Hello blog world, my name is Boris and I will be your guest writer for today. As this is a blog about food, I’ll be sharing a savory salmon recipe I’ve played around with. But first, a little background on my cooking credentials. I have none. I simply enjoy experimenting with basic ingredients such as: salt, pepper, lemon/lime, butter, oil, basically things you’re likely to have in your cabinet. I’m not a big fan of all the fancy spices and herbs, but if you are, more power to you. So let’s get started.

cayenne pepper
soy sauce

You’ll notice that I didn’t include measurements to any of the ingredients. Everyone has different taste buds and preferences, so feel free to use however much, or little, of each ingredient as you want. And if you don’t want to use a certain ingredient or add your own, it’s all up to you. But for this entry, I’ll be giving directions on the recipe that I used.

1. Preheat your oven to 400 degrees.
2. Place your piece of salmon on top of some aluminum foil (make sure the foil is big enough to cover the fish).
3. Rub a light layer of butter on top of the salmon.
4. Cut and squeeze some lemon onto the salmon (you can leave it in with the fish while it bakes if you wan’t a more lemon-infused taste).
5. Sprinkle some salt, pepper, and cayenne pepper to taste.
6. Put some soy sauce on a spoon and disperse it over the salmon (you don’t want to soak the salmon, but you’ll want a little extra sauce for it to cook in).
7. Lightly spread some honey in a “toaster strudel-esque” manner.
8. Bring the ends of the foil up to cover the salmon, but leave a little opening so it’s not completely sealed, and put it in the oven for 20 minutes.

And there you have it. It’s been girlfriend approved, so hopefully you enjoy it.

Posted By: Boris Han

Edited By: Amy, Editor

Hellooo Hungry Students!

I am excited to report that the boyfriend cooked me salmon for dinner tonight because I was super tired after coming home. It turned out to be AMAZING, so I asked him to write a guest post for us! Make sure to be on the lookout for that recipe soon. 🙂

Now, back to the corn salsa! As I mentioned earlier, I was pooped after coming home today because I’ve been prepping for a BBQ that my business club had for its members. We did a Chipotle-inspired setup with lemon-cilantro rice and all sorts of toppings, but my favorite topping from today was the corn salsa I made with my friend Wendy! It was a major hit, and out of all of the toppings, it was the first one to run out! Boo, no leftovers for me to take home. 😦

But, good thing it’s super cheap and simple to make! Here’s the recipe I used:


The only hard part about this is the chopping up of all the vegetables!! Me chopping vegetables is reminiscent of a scene out of the Saw movies, so I let Wendy take care of that for me, while I threw together all the ingredients and added the seasonings according to taste. If you like the corn salsa they serve at Chipotle, I’d say this is almost an exact dupe!

Eat this with chips, in a wrap or a salad, or simply by itself! You don’t have to make a tray-full like we did, but if you make a bit more, this salsa could last you a few meals/snacks and it won’t cost you more than $5-6 to make!

***Added Bonus: The colors look absolutely divine together!

Posted By: Amy, Editor

Punjab Palace is an Indian restaurant with two locations in the Riverside area. My friend dragged me along to grab food with him the other day, and now I’m indebted to him forever. I can’t say for the other location, but I went to the one on University Avenue, and they have a great lunch time special (11:30AM – 3PM) where you can get all you can eat Indian food for $9! I tasted a little bit of everything and it was all great, but what I enjoyed the most was the orange-looking curry with chicken in it. Sorry, I’m not an Indian food expert so I don’t know the names of everything, but I can say that for someone who enjoys good food on a budget, the food here was truly delicious!

Here is a photo taken by Mike S. of yelp.

Leave a comment and let us know what you think if you go!

Posted by: Daniel H., Analytic/SEO

Here’s something a little different. Personally, I love to cook at home – unlike our happy-hour queen, Amy Tsang – because I believe it’s fun and the food just tastes so much better! Now, everyone loves Mac n’ Cheese, but the Mac n’ Cheese from a box thing can get pretty old…UNLESS, you learn how to vamp things up a bit like I did through this video!

Alton Brown is a famous Food Network TV chef who explores the origins of ingredients, decodes culinary customs and presents food and equipement trends. You don’t need to worry about loving to cook but not having all the fancy ingredients, because his recipes all have very general ingredients! In this video, he includes simple preparation and unconventional discussions to bring you food in its finest and funniest form!

Alton’s quick and easy stove top Mac n’ Cheese makes about 6 to 8 servings, and is so easy to make that little kids can do it themselves! To make it easier for you, I listed the ingredients and instructions below just in case the video was going too fast. But hey, you can always rewind and rewind some more until you make the perfect yummy-tasting Mac n’ Cheese!

– 1/2 pound elbow macaroni
– 4 tablespoon butter
– 2 eggs
– 6 ounces evaporated milk
– 1/2 teaspoon hot sauce
– 1 teaspoon kosher salt
– fresh black pepper
– 3/4 teaspoon dry mustard
– 10 ounces sharp cheddar, shredded

1. In a large pot of boiling water, add salt and cook the elbow macaroni then drain it.
2. Melt in the butter and toss to make it well coated
3. Whisk together the egg, milk, hot sauce, salt, pepper, and mustard.
4. Stir into the cooked macaroni and add the cheese.
5. Stir for about 3 more minutes on low heat, or until it looks creamy.
6. Serve and chow down!

Posted By: Virginia To, Blog Admin/Designer

Have you been eating out just a bit too much lately? I bet those fast food calories have been slowly adding up in your system. Give yourself a break today, and go green! Let me welcome you to a nice and simple grilled chicken salad. This salad that you see above looks delicious, doesn’t it? It’s actually quite easy to make. Plus, it’s healthy and most importantly, BUDGET FRIENDLY!!

First of all, of course, you would need some lettuce. I chose red leaf lettuce because it was healthier than pure green ones.

Second, you would need some chicken breast. You can get pure chicken breast literally at any nearby grocery store.

Third, is a salad dressing of your choice.

There are actually many different ways to make this chicken salad:

1. Boil, then grill.

  • Boil the chicken breast first in a pot of hot water along with some salt, pepper, chopped garlic cloves, and chicken bouillon for about 30 minutes. This will also leave you with a nice and tasty chicken soup! You can save the soup for later use, or just drink it right away if you need a hot pick-me-up.
  • The next step is to season the chicken breast with some salt and pepper, then grill it on a pan with some vegetable oil for about 5-7 minutes on each side. Remember not to grill it for too long, because your chicken breast is already cooked! You just wanted to add some color and grilled flavor.
  • When you are done, simply cut the chicken into strips and toss it over your washed and cut lettuce.
  • Last step is the easiest. Just drip on some of your favorite salad dressing, and enjoy.

In the picture above, I used Ken’s Steakhouse Raspberry Walnut Vinaigrette.

2. Just grill.

  • Season your thawed chicken with salt and pepper, or whatever seasonings you prefer.
  • Grill it on a pan with vegetable oil for about 15 minutes on each side on low heat. Just make sure you don’t burn your chicken!

There are also many other ways to make grilled chicken, but these are our favorites. For all you Foreman Grillers out there, here’s a great opportunity to bust that baby out! Whichever way you choose, we know your wallet (and arteries) will be thanking you.

Happy weekend to all, enjoy!

Posted by: Virginia To, Blog Admin/Designer